Collage of workshops led by Peggy



The Reiki Energy is truly a gift to yourself and others!

  • Reiki Level I

    The Reiki energy is truly a gift to yourself and others!

    During this class, you will:

    • Receive the Reiki Level I attunement

    • Learn the ethics and history of the Usui System of Natural Healing

    • Learn the hand positions for self and others

    • Experience a self-Reiki treatment

    • Experience giving and receiving a mini Reiki treatment

    After completing this class, you will be able to administer Reiki treatments to yourself and others.

    Dates: 2/11/24 or 9/22/24

    Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

    Cost: $165 (includes Reiki manual and Reiki Level I Certificate)

    Location: Avon Lake Community Center, 100 Avon Belden Rd., Avon Lake, Ohio

    For more information: Contact Peggy at 440-930-5785 or

  • Reiki Level II

    Prerequisite: Reiki Level I

    Reiki II class is designed for serious participants who give/receive Reiki on a regular basis.

    During this class, you will:

    • Receive the Reiki Level II attunement

    • Learn techniques for grounding and centering yourself

    • Learn three Reiki symbols for greater focus, mental/emotional balance and distance healing

    • Experience giving and receiving Reiki using new symbols

    • Learn and practice the art of scanning and beaming

    Additionally, questions about Reiki and your Reiki experiences, as well as basic business practices and Ohio state law for practicing Reiki as a business, are thoroughly covered during this class.

    Dates: 3/24/24 or 10/27/24

    Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

    Cost: $165 (includes Reiki Level II Certificate)

    Location: Avon Lake Community Center, 100 Avon Belden Rd., Avon Lake, Ohio

    For more information: Contact Peggy at 440-930-5785 or

  • Advanced Reiki Training (ART)

    Prerequisite: Reiki Level II

    The Advanced Reiki Training is a requirement for the Reiki Level III Master class.

    During this class, you will:

    • Receive the ART Reiki Attunement

    • Learn the Reiki Tibetan Fire Serpent Master Symbol

    • Practice sending Reiki over a distance

    • Learn Advanced Reiki Healing Techniques

    • Experience giving and receiving Advanced Reiki Techniques

    You will walk away with three powerful, deeply relaxing Reiki techniques that are especially beneficial for anyone with an autoimmune disease.

    Dates: 11/14/24

    Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

    Cost: $165 (includes Advanced Reiki Training Certificate)

    Location: Avon Lake Community Center, 100 Avon Belden Rd., Avon Lake, Ohio

    For more information: Contact Peggy at 440-930-5785 or

  • Reiki Level III

    Prerequisite: Advanced Reiki Training (ART)

    Before being accepted into this class, you must have given at least 25 Reiki treatments (no more than 2 per person) and completed the Reiki Student Session form for each. You must also know the three Reiki symbols and their uses.

    During this class, you will:

    • Receive the Reiki Level III Master attunement

    • Learn the Reiki Usui Master Symbol

    • Exhibit proficient knowledge of Reiki and its meaning, purpose and symbols learned in Reiki I, II and ART

    • Learn and practice Reiki attunements for Levels I, II, ART, & III

    • Learn class procedures as an instructor for Reiki I, II, ART, & III

    When you complete the Reiki Level III Master Class, you will have achieved the highest level of Reiki, the Master Level. You will have the necessary skills to teach your own Reiki classes and attune others to the Reiki energy.

    Dates: 12/15/24

    Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

    Cost: $400 (includes Reiki Level III Master Certificate)

    Location: Avon Lake Community Center, 100 Avon Belden Rd., Avon Lake, Ohio

    For more information: Contact Peggy at 440-930-5785 or

Eden Method

  • Clear and Balance Your Chakras

    It’s time for a fall clean-up of our chakras! Chakras are a storehouse of our memories – physical, mental, emotional and energetic. They impact all of the energy systems of the body.

    In this class, you will learn about each of the seven chakras and their role in your life, as well as the protocol to clear and balance them.

    When you move out old stuck or stagnant energy and bring in fresh, nourishing energy to the chakras, you’ll feel lighter, brighter and more positive.

    Date: Saturday, 9/21/24

    Time: 3:00 - 4:30 pm EST

    Fee: Free!

    Location: Rocky River Public Library, Auditorium

    For more information: Call the Rocky River Library at 440-333-7610 or register at Registration begins August 1.

  • New Dates! 2024/25 Level 1: Fundamentals Class

    Developed by Donna Eden, the Level 1: Fundamentals class is a one-year comprehensive course of study where you will learn and practice the fundamentals of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM).

    This is a stand-alone course of study for those who want to learn in-depth EEM for themselves and family.

    For those who are looking for certification, it is the first year of a two-year program that will enable you to become an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner.

    The class consists of:

    • Four long weekends (Thursday through Sunday)

    • Supervised practice from highly qualified instructor

    • Written test and demonstration of skills learned

    During this course of study, you will learn:

    • Techniques to strengthen the immune system and build resiliency to illness

    • Systematic ways to track energy in the body (without having to SEE energy) so you can bring relief and healing to yourself and anyone you work on

    • Energy testing protocols for yourself and others to see what substances, such as food, vitamins, etc., are really beneficial for you

    • Natural, effective techniques to minimize and release pain

    • Principles of energy medicine that offer you a fresh perspective on your everyday life happenings

    • The basics of the nine energy systems and their powerful impact on your thoughts, feelings, physical body and spiritual state of being

    You will find a detailed curriculum for each of the four classes at

    The Level 1: Fundamentals classes are a game changer. You can say goodbye to powerlessness and hello to confidence as you take an active role in bringing relief and healing to yourself and your loved ones. You’ll develop your own unique gifts when it comes to moving, directing or shifting energy in the body, and leave each class with greater clarity, purpose and sense of self.


    June 6 - 9, 2024
    August 22 - 25, 2024
    November 7 - 10, 2024
    January 16 - 19, 2025


    Thursday, 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm EST
    Friday/Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm EST
    Sunday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm EST

    Fee: $4,780/year or $1,195/quarter (includes Eden Method Certificate of Completion)

    Location: For Classes 1 and 3: Cleveland - east side
    For Classes 2 and 4: Cleveland - west side

    For more information: Contact Peggy at 440-930-5785 or or
    Janel Volk Hubbard at 216-352-0505 or

Jin Shin Jyutsu

  • Spleen Flow: Increase Stamina, Improve Immune Function and Reduce Worry

    The Spleen Flow clears and balances the Spleen Meridian, nourishes the spleen, strengthens the immune system and aids in metabolizing thoughts, emotions and food.

    During this class, you will:

    • Follow along with Peggy as you learn and practice the four steps of the Spleen Flow sequence on yourself for greater health and vitality.

    Daily practice will benefit:

    • Your immune system

    • Metabolizing food, thoughts and emotions

    • Excessive worry

    • Heavy feeling in the body

    • Feeling off kilter or tired

    • Difficulty adapting to seasonal change

    • Mental stress

    • Blood disorders

    This technique can be used for self-care or given to family, friends and clients.

    Date: Monday, 10/21/24

    Time: 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm

    Fee: $30 (includes Spleen Flow handout)

    Location: Virtual via Zoom

    For more information: Contact Peggy at 440-930-5785 or